Sunday, August 1, 2010

Operation SMILE!!!

Today I came up with something that I am going to implement into my everyday life from this point on. I call it operation SMILE. My goal is to make people smile. I love seeing people smile and hearing them laugh. It makes me happy when I see others who are happy, it's contagious! So my goal is to get 5 people a day to smile! Whether it be myself, a family member, a co-worker, a client, or a complete stranger, I want to see them smile. I have a few ideas of how I am going to do this, but I can't wait to come up with more as I go along. I will keep you updated on how it is going, and hopefully will have some stories to tell too! :)

So, along with operation SMILE, I also decided that I am going to try and be more positive in every aspect of my life! I have really been struggling lately with staying positive, and seeing the good in my situations, life in general, and in others. So I am going to try and see the best in everything, and everyone. I want look for the best in every situation! I want to be happy, and positive, and lively! Life is just too short! We don't have enough time to sit and pout, and complain, and wish things were better. The time is now to make everything happen! We never know when our last day will be. If we are too busy wishing our lives were better, we miss out on so much!! We are only given so much time, so why not make the best of it! Good things come from even the worst situations. So my goal is to find them!! I am sick of feeling like I am not happy, and that I will be happy after certain things happen. I want to be happy NOW! and I can be, we all can! It's just a matter of choice. So let's choose to be happy, to see the best in everything, and everyone, and let's smile lots and lots!!! After all life is too short to be anything but happy!!!!


Unknown said...

You are already succeeding!! :0) Your blog makes me smile!! :0)

Pain SUX said...

And you never know..but you might totally make someone's day with just your smile!!!

A smile goes a long way...I've heard that many times, and I honestly believe it!

I'm smiling not that I found and am following your blog :)
