Thursday, July 29, 2010

Stop worrying and believe in yourself!

I went and saw The Sorcerer's Apprentice with a friend of mine tonight, it was a very good movie!! Way better than I expected!! I loved it, and came away from it with another quote!!

In part of the movie Balthazar is training David (don't worry I won't ruin the movie), and David is really struggling, so Balthazar says to him "Stop worrying and believe in yourself." He proceeded to tell David that he worried too much, and that he just needed to believe that he could do it. Well this made me think about myself and how much I might be able to do if I just believed in myself. All my life I have struggled with my self esteem and confidence, and I have always been a worrier. Don't get me wrong I can fake it pretty well, but it has always been a weak point for me. I don't think I can do something so I talk myself out of it, or I don't think I am good enough so I don't even try, and I worry about pretty much everything. You name it I have probably worried about it, and a lot of the time I let my worries stop me from doing things. But tonight, while I was thinking I realized how much I am missing out on! So many things that I have passed up, or given up on because I didn't believe in myself! I think we all have times in our life where we get down on ourselves, or we think the task is too big for us to take on, or we worry about things out of our control. But when we believe in ourselves, and find the determination within us, amazing things can happen. Opportunities that we never would have imagined will come, things that we never saw our self doing, we do. All because of something as simple as believing we can do it. I think it's crazy that us humans can give someone else so much credit, and support, but then we can't do it for ourselves. Seems kind of messed up huh. That we would believe in someone more than the very person we know best(our self). But like I said when we believe in ourselves amazing things happen, it's like magic. Something that simple and that easy that makes it all possible. So let's all have a little more faith in ourselves. We can do it, we are strong, able people who can do whatever we set our minds to, if we just believe. I know all this may sound a little bit cheesy but it's so, so true! We are amazing people and we have endless possibilities to do what we want. We can achieve anything we want to if we just put our minds and hearts into it! There are no limits to possible, there are no boundaries for determination, there is no exact blueprint for life, there is only giving it all we have, and achieving what we set our hearts on. So to quote Balthazar one more time, "Stop worrying, and believe in yourself."

Just one more thing before I end, you never know where you will find just what you needed. Tonight I found what I needed sitting at the movie theater in a movie about Sorcerers. What we are looking for will come to us when we least expect it. Make sure you are ready so that you don't miss it!!

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