Saturday, July 24, 2010

The simple things in life!

So I have started to notice that life just keeps getting crazier and crazier. And that as I grow up there is just more and more that I need to do, and more and more I want to do! Which means that I have to choose, and that can get complicated and usually leaves me running from one thing to the next. This leaves me very little time to relax and just spend time thinking, but the other day i had a little while to just think about life and everything that I have been blessed with (which is a lot)!! I a realized that the things I am most grateful for are the simple things. Time spent with family, notes from loved ones, a meaningful conversation with a friend, seeing someone smile or hearing someone laugh! These things are all to often taken advantage of, yet are some of the simplest things to achieve.

I decided that I need to slow things down and that I need to enjoy the little things now, because who knows down the road they could be the big things. One of my favorite quotes is "Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have." I want to live a happy and meaningful life, so I am determined to make the best of what I have been given, and appreciate EVERYTHING that I have been blessed with. Whether I see the blessing right now or not! Life is just too short to waste anytime being unhappy or or passing up opportunities, because I am too busy or didn't appreciate what I had been given!

So enjoy everything! Big, small, and everything in between! Life is too short, so LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE, and enjoy it all!

1 comment:

Candace said...

This is so cute...I really love your background! Hope you don't mind if I blog stalk you :)