Monday, August 9, 2010

Life's lessons

In the last week, I have had a lot of time to reflect on my life. Where it's been, where it is, and where it is headed. And I can honestly say, that even though I have had my ups and downs, and have struggled more so than I ever have, I LOVE MY LIFE!!! I have learned so much in the last little while. Things about myself, life, and love. It's amazing to me how much I still have to learn, it's like the older I get the more I have to learn. Life has so much to teach us, if we only open ourselves up to it! Learning opportunities are everywhere, watch for them, you never know what you might learn!!

So I decided that since I am learning a lot about life right now I would share some of the things I am learning, so here we go!

1. It may be stormy now, but the rain won't forever!
In other words, when things get tough, keep pushing through, it made be hard now, but trials don't last forever! There is always sun after the rain. Be patient, have faith, and keep pushing through. Things will work out. "Everything will be okay in the end, if its not okay, its not the end."

2. When life gives you 100 reasons to cry, show life 1.000 reasons to SMILE!
Smile, smile, smile!!!! It makes life a lot easier. Life will get rough, but if you can keep a smile through it all, your experience will be so much different. There is so much to smile about! Thousands of reasons everyday, find those reasons!

3. Sometimes good things fall a part, so better things can fall together.
Just because something is good, doesn't mean it's the best. You never know what is in store. Something may seem like it's a good thing now, but who knows what better things are ahead. Good things will fall apart, but better things will come to be.

4. You will never be old and wise, if you aren't Young and CrAzY!
We learn from our mistakes. We take what we learn now, and incorporate it into our lives. Yes we keep learning our entire lives, BUT now is a time of huge growth. We have a lot of decisions to make, and as we try different things, we take what works and what doesn't, and that is what makes us in to mature adults! This is our time to be young and crazy, and to learn along the way! Live it up!

5. Never fear an unknown future with a known God.
Have faith, be strong! Our Father in Heaven will lead and guide us! We have no reason to fear the future when we have a guide like Him. The future is bright, and although it maybe new, or unknown, we have NOTHING to fear!

6. You don't just stop loving someone, either you never did or always will.
Love is one of those things that will be engraved in you forever! When you have emotion like that it isn't easily erased. But, just because you love someone, doesn't mean it is meant to be. You can love lots of different people in lots of different ways! Nut true love lasts forever, it never fades, even with time!

7. In a world where you can be anything... BE YOURSELF!!!
In today's world people too often get lost in trying to become someone they aren't. People are too busy trying to gain the respect and love of others they often miss the key to it all. If you want people to like YOU, than be YOU, don't try and be someone else. People will love you for who you are, and if they don't then they are the ones missing out!

These are just a few of the things that I have learned. It's been rough, but as you can see I have learned a lot. As I continue on my journey I will continue to share the many lessons that come my way!!

1 comment:

Candace said...

I love #5 something I need to remember more often!!