Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sometimes life is tough

Have you ever felt like nothing in your life was going right, that no matter how hard you work, nothing ever comes through, and that you are always left disappointed, hurt, or back at square one?

Well, that was my week last week... I felt like no matter what i did, things kept falling through the cracks, and my hard work didn't pay off. I wrecked my car, i learned some things that hurt pretty bad, things happened with some friends of mine, financial issues... by the end of the week I was spent, and to be honest with you, I still am. I feel like I am still in the state of exhaustion. I can't shake this funk.. and I hate it. I am sick of feeling like I am not good enough, like my hard work is going unnoticed, and that no matter how hard i am trying to get somewhere with my life, i am not. For a little while there, I thought I was finally catching a break, that things were finally going to go my way.. at least i felt that way until about the middle of last week. But while wallowing in self pity and feeling sorry for myself, i realized something.. Something that i hope will help me rise above this, and conquer whatever it is that has me this way. What i realized was, that things will rarely go my way, and it will be a very rare occasion that i will "catch a break." because these things all come without work, without effort. If I constantly got what I wanted and had things just lay out in front of me as i go a long, I wouldn't learn anything. If i have learned anything in my 21 years of experience, it would have to be that nothing comes without work. That nothing is free, and that if you want something bad enough, that you will find a way to make it happen. My parents have done a great job of teaching to work for things I want. They have taught me responsibility, and how to work. I can't think of anything better than that to take into the world. I know so many people my age that still have things handed to them by their parents, and i feel sorry for them because they don't appreciate what they have because they have never had to work for.

I can honestly say that in the last year of my life i have learned that being hardworking is a good quality to have, because it will get you a long way. If you know how to work, you can achieve anything you want. So, this week I say to myself, sometimes( if not most of the time) life is tough. Things won't go my way, and i might not catch a break, BUT.. If i work through things, and i put forth effort, I may not get what I want, but i WILL get what i need. If life is easy then I am not learning, and if i am not learning I am not progressing, and without progression my life goes no where. Yes, life IS tough, but it is definitely GOOD! don't let the hard times get you down. and after all... " You were only given this life because you are strong enough to live it."


Tyler said...

You see, we don't have to post anything encouraging because you figured it on your own! haha. Your doing great. I'm proud of ya. :)

Carina Maughan said...

Goodness Brianna! I was just looking around on facebook to take my mind off my crazy homework that I was feeling really really upset about. Thank you for writing this. I really needed to hear it...especially right now.

Brianna said...

Oh Carina :) I write this to keep my mind of things haha and to vent, so I am glad that me keeping my mind of things helped you keep your mind off things!