Monday, November 8, 2010

Today is an UP day!

So, today was a typical monday...

From the minute I woke up I knew it was going to be one of those days... My day started with me waking up ten minutes before I had to be to my work meeting. After my meeting I remembered that today was the last day I could take my accounting test, so I went home to study, then when I was all ready for work, I looked outside and it was SNOWING!!! I was not really dressed for the weather, but I was running late, so.. I wore what I had on. Work wasn't too bad( other than I had to take down our stupid sign in the pouring rain) I studied for my test and got a lot of things done. Then after work I went to take my test feeling very confident that I knew the material and that I would do well, even during the test I felt good. But when the test was over and I saw my score, I wanted to cry!! I BOMBED it!! After all that work and all that effort, I felt like nothing had paid off and that studying wasn't worth it. I came home feeling very down on myself, hoping that my family would help cheer me up...

... and that they did. After a day that I was so ready to be done with, I thought I was just gonna go to bed feeling sorry for myself. But then my little sister changed my whole perspective. If you know my sister you know how positive and enthusiastic she is. We have a joke in my family that based on her mood she is either having an "up day" or a "down day," and when I got home from work she was off the wall hyper, laughing and giggling at nothing, definately having an "up day." It was her that made me realize that no matter what our day is like, or how things turn out, we are the ones who determine whether or not it will be an "up day." My little sister is not afraid to show how she really feels, and so you always know what kind of day she is having, but it is amazing to me that regardless of all the stress she has in her life, she can still have amazingly good days, and that she doesn't let things get her down. She is an amazing example to me of staying positive through stressful times. She reminds me every single day, that life is short and that we need to live it to the fullest!

So, today I start blogging about things I am thankful for, I start with my little sister Courtney... As you can tell, she means a lot to me and I don't know what I would do without her!! She really is one of my best friends. She knows best how to make me smile, and make me mad. She knows how to make me feel like a pretty cool older sister! She makes me look up to her more and more everyday!! She knows how to love more purely than a lot of people I know! She is so quick to forgive, and let people know that they are loved! She is such a good example to me, and I am SOOOOO very grateful for such an amazing little sister! She truly is a blessing to me!!

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