Monday, October 18, 2010


So I was tagged in a blog, and so I decided to play along :) If I tag you just answer the questions I post at the bottom!

1~What would your perfect day be like?
Hmm... My perfect day would consist of sleeping til about 8 or 9 and then getting up, working out, and getting ready for the day. Then I would spend the day with my family and friends, because no day is better spent than with family and friends. We would just relax and do whatever we wanted with no cares in the world. (I actually spent a day very close to perfect this last weekend at Bear Lake)

2~ What is your favorite reality TV show?
My favorite reality TV show is definitely Biggest Loser! I love, love, love that show! It is very few shows that actually help people change their life for the better. It's not about greed, or money(sort of is), but instead about health, and living the best life you can. They are helping people extend the length of their life. I love to watch it every week, and i will admit, it makes me cry!

3~If you could go back and give advice to your 16 year old self what would it be?
As much as I hate to admit this, I would say.... Listen to your parents!! I could have saved myself a lot of hurt, heartache and trials, if I would have just listened to them. They really do know what they are talking about. I would also say, not to forget about family. I wish I would have been a little more focused on them instead of my friends.

4~Post one of your favorite pictures and WHY is it your favorite?
I love this picture!! This picture is of me at one of my friend's wedding with her little brother. We were waiting for her to come out of the temple, and we were just talking and he randomly starts saying pick-up lines on me. It was so funny, I couldn't help but laugh. Right be for this picture, He said "So do you come here often?" and right before that he informed me that mine and his wedding would be next! ....He is 16, so I guess I have some waiting to do. :)

5~What is one thing that always makes you smile?
Lots of things make me smile, but something that always makes me smile, is hearing others laugh. I love the sound of laughter, and those who know me know that when others are laughing I can't help but laugh even if I have no clue why they are laughing. I know I am a dork.

6~What has been the happiest moment of your life so far?
Hmmm... that is a tough one, I would have to say it wasn't really a moment really but a short period of time, and it was when I discovered who I am as a person, and as a Daughter of God. I have always struggled with my self esteem so when I finally started to see who I really was, my whole outlook on life chaged.

7~What is one of the saddest or most heartbreaking moment of your life so far?
Another tough one. I would have to say though that it is seeing friends settle for things. I have seen too many people settling, because they are scared they will never find what they really want.

8~Whats your wish list for Santa this year?
I want others to be happy and to find the joys in life. I know Santa can't really bring it, but the true meaning of Christmas can :)

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