Sunday, October 10, 2010

Finally A Break!

So after a few weeks of tons of stress and crappy things happening, I finally had a week that was more relaxed, one that wasn't as demanding on my time. It was actually an AMAZING week!!! I had so many cool experiences this week. Things that made my testimony so much stronger!!! This week was a week of confirmation and reassurance for me. There were things that I had been struggling with and trying to find answers to, and this week a lot of it came to me. It started with General Conference last Saturday. I was able to attend the Saturday morning session, which was awesome! The spirit was sooo strong. There were a couple talks that I felt were given just for me, they were very specific answers to questions I had. Next was a couple neat experiences with the Spirit bearing witness of the Truth! Things I already new but just confirming and reassuring my knowledge. Things that I hadn't ever questioned, but need just that extra strength in my testimony. There were many more experiences I had that were just too special to share on a blog. But things I will remember for the rest of my life. Things that I hold dear to my heart.

This week as I experienced these things, it reminded me how much our Heavenly Father loves us. And that most of the time he let's us suffer, before he blesses us, for us to prove to Him of our faithfulness, but He will ALWAYS bless us! He loves us more than we can comprehend, and wants the best for us. More so than any other person! He is our loving Father in Heaven. He created us in His image, He put much effort into creating each and every one of us, and loves us all individually. He loves us purely, and gets discouraged when we are down on ourselves. He sees us perfectly, He looks beyond our flaws and imperfections, and sees us as we truly are. HIS CHILDREN! As children of God we have so much potential! We have the potential to become Gods and Goddesses, Kings and Queens, Fathers and Mothers to our own eternal families! I cannot think of any greater potential we could have. We can have all this if we are faithful, and endure to the end. We can have all that the Father hath. Sometimes things don't go the way we planned, or the answers to our prayers are not what we wanted, but as we trust is the Lord, and follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost, we will be putting ourselves closer to that potential, and soon it will become more than our potential it will become our path way in life our destiny. We ALL have that potential, will we live up to that potential? We all can do it, even through the hard times, the Lord loves us and will help us every step of the way if we just ask. So don't let the rough weeks get you down... they will come and go, and you will make it through. :)

1 comment:

Candace said...

Hey I just tagged you on my blog so go over there and check it out :) Love your blog!