Friday, September 17, 2010

Once Upon a time. . .and They Lived Happily Ever After!

Everyone has a story; each person's life could be written down and published like a book. I like to think of my story as a fairytale! It started with Once Upon a Time, and will end with and they lived happily ever after! My life is like the fairytales we all know. No I do not have a wicked step-mother, seven dwarfs, mice that do my cleaning, I don't live under the sea, I have never been on a flying carpet, and I have no fairy godmother. But I do have trials. of my own, I face setbacks every day of my life. Just like the princesses did in their stories. There is not one fairytale I know where the princess just had everything perfect. They all had things they had to face and over come before they reached their own happily ever after. As do we all! Cinderella, Jasmine, Belle, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, the Little Mermaid, they all had their problems and struggles, but the kept going, tried to be happy, and eventually the found their prince charming and lived happily ever after! That is how we have to be in our lives. When we face trials and difficult times we have to try and be happy, keep going, and the hard times will pass. I have a favorite quote that says, "Everything will be okay in the end, if it's not okay, It's not the end." Fairytales are known for their happy endings. The ... and they lived happily ever after. I bet if you were to ask Cinderella how things were playing out in her life in the middle of her story, she would probably be a little discouraged. Fairytales aren't happy all the way through, they don't go straight from once upon a time right to and they lived happily ever after, they have their rough times the times when they just want to give up and cry and call it quits. At the same time look how they all end. They all end happy, with them falling in love and riding of in to the sunset with their prince. It was okay all the way through, but in the end it was. That is what keeps me going, it's what keeps me writing my story. Even though it is hard now, and sometimes I want to cry and give up, knowing that it will all be okay in the end make me want to keep going.
We all have the opprotunity to have a happily ever after. No matter who we are we can all get through the struggles we face, find love, and with our prince charming live happily ever after. It is possible!

I know I probably sound like a hopeless romantic with this crazy view of love. But we a can all have our own fairytales, we can make life whatever story we want it to be, we just have to choose. Each of our lives has a beginning, a middle, and an end. Many times throughout our stories we will be faced with hard times, don't let it get you down. It will all be okay in the end!


morgan said...

well you certainly are a princess dont let any "princes" in disguise who are really villains treat you bad or anything less than the princess and future queen that you are. :)

Candace said...

I love this so so much... seriously I never read your blog without crying! You need to be a writer