Monday, September 6, 2010


So last night I attended a meeting where they combined our singles branch with another one from Syracuse to form a ward. We knew change was coming, and that this was probably going to be what happened but that didn't make it any easier. Our branch presidency was released, which is the hardest part of this change. We have had the best presidency, and we were all really close. With new boundaries in effect, we also will lose a few of our dearest friends. Last night was a tough night. Our branch didn't want to make this change. We wanted to keep things just the way they were. But this got me thinking.. Life is full of change, most of which we have no control over. Sometimes we like the changes that take place, but most of the time we don't. Change is good for us, it's healthy, and it keeps us on our toes. We can make the best of every change, if we go into it with a good attitude, and give it a try. I look back at the many times in my life that something changed that I wasn't happy about, and how more often than not, it ended up being a very good thing for me. Things turned out way better than I thought they ever would, and I met people I never would have met. Things happened in my life, that needed to happen, whether or not I wanted them to. We have a loving Father in Heaven, who knows what we need way more than we do. He can see how it will affect our future, where as we can only see how it effects the here and now. If we trust in the Lord, and have faith in His plan for us, and accept change with a good attitude, our lives will be blessed!

No change won't always go our way, and we probably won't like some aspect of it, BUT change is good for us. It provides us with learning experiences, and opportunities to get out of our comfort zone and become stronger, more knowledgeable people. Make the best of every change that comes your way, and you will be made a better person.

P.S. Although I am sad to see our old branch presidency go, and I will miss them tons and tons, I am very excited to get to know our new Bishop, Bishop Read and his counselors. They will do an amazing job.

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