Monday, September 12, 2011

Three Special Names

Brianna asked me to post a couple of poems that she has written while on her mission. Enjoy!

(Brianna's mom posted these!)

Three Special Names

By Sister Brianna Brough

I have a special nametag that I must always wear

Identifying who I am and the message that I share.

Each day I wear this nametag for everyone to see

On it is three special names that mean a lot to me.

The first is from my father, it is my family name.

I strive to live up to it, and not bring any shame.

There is a reputation of what it means to be a Brough

It’s putting trust in the Lord, especially when it’s tough.

It’s having faith and pushing through and giving it your all

It’s never once giving up, and rising when you fall.

The second name is of my Church; it’s who I represent.

It’s the message that I carry and the reason I was sent.

It’s the Church of Jesus Christ here in the latter-days

We learn of His teachings; we follow in His ways.

The third is of my Savior, the one whom God did send

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, my brother and my friend.

All of this I do for him, because of what He’s done for me

Throughout my life, on the cross, and in Gethsemane.

He suffered and He died for me, my burdens he did bear

And now in return He’s asked that I His message share.

He’s done so much in by behalf; it’s the least that I could do

So now I’ll share the gospel to these blessed chosen few.

So there they are, three names, three stories, three different parts of me

Showing others who I am, and all that they can be.

So, I wear this special name tag, it’s simple, small and black

It gives me faith and hope and strength and the courage that I lack.

They are not just names to me; it’s who I am and what I do

Because knowing who I am, gives me hope and gets me through.

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